Mount Wakid, Tambunan

Mount Wakid is situated in Sunsuron Village, the first village you would pass through if you travel to Tambunan from Kota Kinabalu. Mount Wakid (1,372m) offers a 12km leisurely hike from the village starting point to the foot of the mountain along the Sunsuron River.

The Legend of Mount Wakid tells that an Odu-Odu (elderly lady) went to Mount Wakid to harvest some forest produces. When she disappeared, every villager searched for her on the mountain. However, they only managed to find her ‘wakid’ (a local bamboo basket) on the mountain. Hence, Mount Wakid got its name.

Programmes and activities

  • Camping
  • Jungle trekking
  • Hiking


  • Toilets
  • Homestay

Getting There

It’s about 74.6km away from Kota Kinabalu and about 1 hour 40 minutes’ drive. You can opt to take an Express Bus (bas ekspres) from the Terminal Bus Station at Jalan Padang, Bandaran Berjaya. The departure time will be from 6.30am until 6.00pm with an estimated cost of RM12.30. Upon reaching Tambunan town or the taxi stand, find a taxi and get to Mount Wakid which is about 10km or 15 minutes’ drive away from Tambunan town.

Take me there!
