Inteview with Minin Gambai Article by Anuar Ghani | Monday January 14, 2019

Minin Gambai, a dusun aged 58 decided to open up his 15 acre land in Kg.Tambatuon, Kota Belud in 2011 lying next to the Kadamaian River with clear water coming from Mount Kinabalu as a campground to increase his income.

He has no IT knowledge and have no website for the place only has a facebook account. Bundu Paka Retreat run by his children. What he has in a beautiful site, lying on the Ranau – Kota Belud by pass-road planted with rubber, durian and cempedak trees.

The Camping Shelter/hut

The only problem to his camp-site is the access-road. The approach is a sharp turn to the left on the road to Kg Tambatuon and requires 4×4 with off-road tyres to go down the steep slope. If its rain, it is quite challenging to go down and get up the hill and if travelling alone may require winching and off-road tyres.

“I have spoken to the previous YB many times for assistance to build the road to my campsite but despite many request,and appeals nothing has been done”. I advised him that he may have to invest some fund to build the road to make access easier to his beautiful campsite.

The campsite has three levels, one by the river, an intermediate hill and a hilly slope. The area can fit up to 100 vehicles if necessary and has a look-out point overlooking the land and the Kandamaian River. It is an ideal spot for the small and large group camping.
There is a camping hut and shelter which can put up 15-20 pax with cooking facilities and a refrigerator. There is a toilet and shower for the outside the shelter. A BBQ is next the camping shelter/hut.

The charge are RM15 per head per day. Campers have to bring their own equipment and meals for the BBQ.

Minin is open to working together with any company or entity to improve and develop his camp-site.

Perhaps the kadamaian Tourism Association and the current YB can assist him.