Sri Serbang River Cruise and Homestay, Bongawan

Kampung Seri Serbang is located at Bongawan. The main products available are Homestay and River Cruise.

Programmes and activities

  • Proboscis, Firefly and Boat Tour
  • Sunset watching and river rafting
  • Crab catching and Lukan searching
  • Puyu, Haruan and Lobster fishing
  • Fish catching with Pukat (Trawl net)
  • Tagal system
  • BBQ/Seafood
  • Traditional dance


  • Fishing
  • Homestay
  • Tagal river/area
  • Restaurant
  • Lounge

Getting There

About 1 hours 25 minutes drive and approximately 73km from the Kota Kinabalu city.

Take me there!


  • Mr. Jeffery Bin Hossil
  • 019-5380474