Gombizau Honey Bee Farm

In Matunggong, one of the economical activities for the village community is honey bee farming. Gombizau Honey Bee Farm, a sub-district 43 kilometres south of Kudat town, has over a hundred bee cages in the bee farm. Here, the bee farm aims to educate its visitors on how to manage a bee farm and will let their visitors taste raw honey straight from the honeycomb. On top of that, rubber trees are also planted at the farm, giving visitors the chance to witness the traditional method of rubber tapping and rubber rolling.

Programmes and activities

  • A tour to Kampung Gombizou Honey bee Farm;
  • Lunch at Rungus Longhouse;
  • Learn the traditional method of rubber trapping and rubber rolling.


  • Longhouse
  • Toilets

Getting There

2 hours drive from Kota Kinabalu, 40km distance from Kudat town.

Take me there!


  • Johnning Dako
  • +6019 5301885
  • info@rustic-borneo.com