Precaution measures


Can be prevented in the following ways

The most important and effective way of preventing Malaria is to prevent mosquito bites. The following measure can be taken:

  • Wear long-sleeved shirts & long trouser

    Wear long sleeved shirts, and long trousers towards evening. Socks and closed shoes are also recommended. Mosquitoes tend to be active in the early.

  • Apply insert repellents

    Apply insert repellents to exposed skin every 4-6 hours

  • Burn insecticide oils

    Burn insecticide oils or electrically heated insecticide in the bedroom at night

  • Spray knock-down insecticide

    Spray knock-down insecticide for flying insects inside the bedroom in the early evening with windows/doors closed if there are no window screens.

  • Screened mosquito proof

    Screened mosquito proof windows and doors and Mosquito nets guard against Mosquito bites.

  • Use insecticide-treated mosquito nets

    Use insecticide-treated mosquito nets for outdoor sleeping.

Please consult your doctor or a local Travel Clinic regarding the correct medication to take.

Monkey Malaria (P. knowlesi) is a threat in certain parts of Sabah and here are some precautions that MUST be taken to prevent contracting the disease when travelling in these areas.

Note: This information has been provided by certified authorities.

Malaria Risk Areas - Sabah

Ranau, Keningau, Matunggong, Kota Marudu, Lahad Datu