Maragang Hill

Maragang Hill is known for the stunning panaromic view at the peak. With an altitude of 2,233m above sea level, it is about four-kilometres hike. Best part of reaching the peak is that scenic view of Mount Kinabalu!

Programmes and activities

  • Hiking
  • Camping
  • Sightseeing


  • Toilet
  • Camping site
  • Transport service
  • Information centre

Getting There

It’s about 96.2km from Kota Kinabalu or about 2 hours 10 minutes drive. You can opt for a Mini Bus or Taxi from Merdeka Field Bus Station at Jalan Padang, Kota Kinabalu. The scheduled departure time will be from 7.00am until 5.00pm with an estimated fare ranging from RM15.00 for minibus and RM150 per taxi. Upon reaching Kundasang town, find a private taxi to get to Mesilou Village which cost approximately RM5.

Take me there!


  • Jumaidi Lasim
  • +6010-959 7846, +6014 678 7136