

Semporna is a town situated on the island of Sabah Borneo, in the Malaysian state of Sabah. It is the gateway to Tun Sakaran Marine Park which consists of 8 islands with world-ranked dive sites on the Kapikan and Church reefs. Bodgaya Lagoon is home to eagle rays and barracudas. Enjoy a panoramic view of the rocky Bohey Dulang Nature Trail in Bohey Dulang Island and watch hawksbill and green turtles hatch their eggs on the biodiverse Pom Pom Island.

Semporna was founded after the British North Borneo Charted Company established Sandakan and initially settled by Chinese traders, most fleeing from Spanish attacks on the Sulu Sultanate. Before being named “Semporna”, this area was known as “Tong Talun” in Bajau language which means “Hujung Hutan” in Malay or “at the end of the forest” in English. Panglima Uddang, Panglima Sallehangni and Panglima Sakti of Bajaus Kubang ancestry were responsible for this name. The name gradually evolved to “Semporna” (known as “Peaceful Place”) over time

What to do in Semporna

Borneo Semporna Proboscis River Cruise

The Borneo Semporna Proboscis River Cruise is one of numerous tour packages offered by...

Bukit Tengkorak Archeological Site

Bukit Tengkorak is a volcanic rock-shelter site and part of volcano mouth 2km in...