

Get out of the city!

It is located 80 km east from Kota Kinabalu, and is reachable by Kota Kinabalu-Tambunan-Keningau road. The journey from the capital will take about 1.5 hours by road. Tambunan is almost isolated from the west coast of Sabah due to the Crocker Range bordering the district with the West Coast.

Enjoy a hilly and tranquil place with beautiful rice fields and an amazing dense of bamboo forest. The bamboos are a legacy of British colonial period, during which an edict stated that 20 bamboo sprouts had to be planted for every bamboo cut. There is also a Bamboo Village here where you can learn how to make Tapai, a traditional rice wine.

There is a memorial site which is located in Kampung Tibabar, Tambunan to commemorate the local patriot, Mat Salleh, for his heroism during the British Colonial times.

Tambunan is a place to experience a relaxing experience. Learn about the local lifestyle and experience traditional Dusun culture by participating in an activity or staying with a homestay family.

What to do in Tambunan

“Tagal”, Tambunan River

Fancy something more unique than your average spa? Then head on to Kampung Monsorulung...

Batu Gong, Tambunan

Nature is never short of things for us human to marvel at, and Batu Gong is one of...

Minduk Sirung Trail, Tambunan

Located in the centre of the Crocker Range, the Minduk Sirung Peak stands at 2,050m....

Salt Trail, Tambunan

The 34 KM jungle trail which starts from Tikolod Village, Tambunan and ends in Inobong...

Mount Trusmadi, Tambunan

Mount Trusmadi has a spectacular view of Mount Kinabalu on a clear day. Challenging...

Mount Wakid, Tambunan

Mount Wakid is situated in Sunsuron Village, the first village you would pass through...