Japanese Tunnel – WWII

This tunnel is the existence of a Japanese tunnel built during the Second World War, a 8-kilometer land tunnel with four branches located in the Sime Darby farm. The tunnel is said to be capable of being passed by a 10-wheeled lorry and was accidentally discovered in the 1970s by the Ibanians who were tasked with clearing the forest area. They detected the tunnel after seeing the ruins of some of the underground tunnels.

Programmes and activities

  • Visit this historical tunnel
  • Trekking


  • Tunnel
  • Walking track

Getting There

About 485km from KK City or approximately 8 hours 55 minutes drive.

Take me there!


  • Majlis Tindakan Pelancongan Daerah Kunak
  • 089-852 273 / 089-851 478 / 089-851 273