Telaga Tujuh

The uniqueness in the well is an interesting story behind its existence. The myth of Seven Wells legend who assembled the old generation's heart in the village near the Upper River, Kunak, among others, narrated the seven beautiful princesses from the flooded manda at Sungai Permanis Dara (Upper River) to maintain their beauty.

Programmes and activities

  • Get to know the legendary story of the seven wells
  • See the uniqueness of the wells
  • Swimming


  • Seven wells
  • Sheds

Getting There

About 480km from Kota Kinabalu city and approximately 8 hours 30 minutes drive.

Take me there!


  • Majlis Tindakan Pelancongan Daerah Kunak
  • 089-852 273 / 089-851 478 / 089-851 273