Tulung Mantob Village, Kiulu

The Tulung Mantob Village overlooks the peaceful Kiulu river and greenery paddy fields with scenic farms, rubber smallholdings, jungles and undulating mountain ridges surrounding it. It is easily accessible by road and a safe one-and-half hour drive from Kota Kinabalu city center.

Programmes and activities

  • Camping
  • Jungle trekking
  • Rafting
  • Paddy planting
  • Handicraft making
  • Fishing
  • Cultural and traditional performances
  • Traditional sports and games
  • Nature walk
  • River bathing
  • Farming
  • Buffalo ride and feeding
  • Rubber tapping
  • Team building
  • Community service program


  • Toilets
  • Homestay
  • Parking area
  • Camp site

Getting There

It’s about 32.4km away from Kota Kinabalu and about 55 minutes’ drive. You can opt to take an Express Bus (bas ekspres) from the Terminal Bus Station at Jalan Padang, Bandaran Berjaya. The departure time will be from 7.00am until 5.00pm with an estimated cost of RM4.00. Upon reaching Tuaran town or the taxi stand, find a taxi and get to Tulung Mantob Village which is about 34.4km or 50 minutes’ drive away from Tuaran town.

Take me there!


  • Ariffin Gadait (Coordinator Mitabang Homestay)
  •  019-8624585 / 088268473
  • ariffin.gadait@gmail.com