Tegudon Tourism Village, Kadamaian

Tegudon Tourism Village is about 15km from Kota Belud Town. Picturesque view of paddy fields with Wariou River flowing gently reflects the many faces of Mount Kinabalu in the distance. At night time clear skies reveal millions of stars which is a delight of campers and stargazers. Basic amenities are provided and visitors will be greeted by the villagers in their natural and warm hospitable way.

Programmes and activities

  • Camping
  • Jungle trekking
  • Hiking
  • Stargazing


  • Toilets
  • Changing room
  • Stargazing area

Getting There

It’s about 68.1km away from Kota Kinabalu and about 1 hour 35 minutes’ drive. You can opt to take an Express Bus (bas ekspres) from the Terminal Bus Station at Jalan Padang, Bandaran Berjaya. The departure time will be from 8.30am until 2.00pm with an estimated cost of RM10.00. Upon reaching Kota Belud town or the taxi stand, find a taxi and get to Tegudon Village which is about 18km or 30 minutes’ drive away from Kota Belud town.

Take me there!
