Murug Turug Waterfall, Tamparuli

Murug Turug waterfall is located at Minangkob Village, Tamparuli. A place to experience jungle trekking with challenging trails and also to witness God’s beautiful creation of waterfalls.

The main highlight while visiting Minangkob Village is: the 7 waterfalls, which are Malas Kalas waterfall, Minansur 1 waterfall, Minansur 2 waterfall, Labuan waterfall, Murug Turug waterfall, Piolungan waterfall and last but not least Kionop waterfall. Visitors are encouraged and are allowed to swim for all 7 waterfalls.

Visitors are able to visit this village by picking one out of three packages prepared by Murug Turug Eco Tourism. If you are bringing your family, they have only 1 package suitable for family, in Murug Turug waterfall which consists of a 4km return walking distance.

Trekkers are able to trek into this village to enjoy the cascading waterfalls via either package B, a 5km return trekking or package C, a full trail of 12km trekking. The distance between each waterfall is about 500 meters. If you choose package B, it will lead you to 3 waterfalls: the Murug Turug waterfall, Piolungan waterfall and Kionop waterfall. For the adventurous trekkers, try package C . Along the trail, you will be trekking into the jungle, climbing over hills and crossing rivers for 12 kilometres. You will get to see all 7 remarkable waterfalls!

Programmes and activities

  • Camping
  • Jungle trekking
  • Hiking
  • Riverside walking
  • Abseiling
  • Swimming
  • Nature walk
  • River bathing


  • Toilets
  • Homestay
  • Parking area
  • Camp site
  • Photography services

Getting There

It’s about 32.4km from Kota Kinabalu or about 55 minutes’ drive. You can opt to take an Express Bus (bas ekspres) from the Terminal Bus Station at Jalan Padang, Bandaran Berjaya. The departure time will be from 7.00am until 5.00pm with an estimated cost of RM4.00. Upon reaching Tuaran town or the taxi stand, find a taxi and get to Murug Turug Waterfall which is about 20km or 25 minutes’ drive away from Tuaran town.

Take me there!
