

Penampang is about 9 km from Kota Kinabalu City. It has an area of 463,47 square km. In 2010, its population was estimated to be around 93,616, with Kadazan as the majority of all ethnics, followed by Chinese, Bajau and Brunei Malay.

Penampang got its name from an old village within the district. It originates from a Kadazan word called “pampang” which means a large rock. Long-time ago, huge rocks were commonly found within the vicinity of the village. The name usage refers to the district, with the town of Donggongon as the main town. The town’s name Donggongon originated from the Kadazan word tundo’ongon which refers to a ‘shelter’ or a ‘resting area’, referring to its historical role as a stop-over for people from the interior who journeyed down the coast to trade. The Salt Trail is a route traditionally followed by villagers when taking their produce to the tamu (markets) on the west coast, and returning with salt and other goods.

Tourist can enjoy the trail using the Inobong-Terian-Buayan-Kionop-Tikolod trail with guides, and stay each night in village homestays.

What to do in Penampang

Ecotourism Aki Sarapung

Walai Aki Sarapung Camping Site is located at Kampung Sarapung Penampang. It was...

Kamagi Riverside Retreat & Recreation

Kamagi Riverside Retreat is a family homestead in the Babagon-Moyog District of...

Pogunon Community Museum Penampang

The importance of the site was first revealed in January 2000 during the construction...

Tinukadan Tourism Centre

The Tourism Centre is located at Kampung Mogkusilad Moyog, Penampang. It is a good...

Kipandi Butterfly Park

This gorgeously scenic park is surrounded by the hills of the Crocker Range. Lying 700...

Sinilou Kibambangan Water Park

Sinilou Kibambangan Water Park is located in Kampung Inobong, Penampang. The park is a...

Tagal Tinopikon Notoruss Village

Tinopikon Park is part of Moyog river and is one of the successful ‘Tagal’ by...

Datuk Peter J. Mojuntin Memorial

A bronze statue of the late Datuk Peter J. Mojuntin stands guard over the memorial...

Lingzhi Museum

The Lingzhi Museum main exhibit is Lingzhi (Ganoderma lucibum) a type of mush room of...